Friday, April 20, 2007

A Few Words on Amie Wolf

I really enjoyed chatting with Amie Wolf on Monday, however one of her answers to a question that seemed very poignant. When we asked what was her biggest problem in teaching BW, she responded that people have negative perceptions of the basic writing courses. Since she is at a largely athletic school, people seem to think that the program is strictly for athletes.

It struck me as odd that people would still see athletes as being “dumb”. It’s almost laughable that we create a dichotomy of having a healthy mind OR a healthy body. People can and do have both, but I think we tend to think of college life in terms of absolute, you either spend all your time studying or all your time playing a sport, period. It was also very interesting to me that she decided to talk to her students early on in the semester about the fact that they are not “dumb” but perhaps just need extra help, but it doesn’t help when tutors are outright calling the students stupid.

I almost can’t imagine how it must have felt to be a student in her class the day of the meltdown over the perceptions of how others see basic writers. However, I think there is light at the end of the tunnel. If the students are allowed to choose to go into that class, then they understand, recognize and are trying to correct the things that could possibly hold them back. That is a lot more than I can say for most first year students. These students (the basic writers) are the true learners. They have missed a step somewhere along the way and are willing to go back and lean the skills they need regardless (however sensitive to them they may be) of other’s perceptions. That in itself takes more courage than anything.
I commend the basic writing students for having the courage and the strength to attend a class that makes them feel badly in order to become something they desire. I commend Ms. Wolf as well for fighting stereotypes and giving her students confidence. I think that by letting her students know “they are intelligent people and that they just need to work on expressing that intelligence to others” is brilliant. Because EVERY scholar, whether basic writer of not still needs a little reassurance every now and then


Amy said...

Basic writing students are definitely not stupid. Even if they are not at a school that lets them decide whether or not to take basic writing, they still chose to come to college, which counts for something.

And though I've never taught basic writing, I've taught students who took basic writing before coming to my class, and they weren't stupid or even bad writers.

scoutnell7 said...

I was also struck by what Amie Wolf said to us about people at OSU thinking basic writing students are only athletes. Of course her office being at the football stadium probably did not help matters. I also think it was a good idea for her to deal with the confidence and perception problems at the start of her class.

Reader1 said...

I didn't realize that students would openly display so much emotion about being placed in a BW class. Didn't she say something about her students having meltdowns? Sounds like she must play teacher and counselor!